Monday, April 2, 2018

Singles Ministry Raleigh NC

Singles Ministry Raleigh NC - Single & Souled Out Singles Ministry

The Plight of the Christian Single

What is the plight of the Christian single adult in the twenty-first century?  For you SINGLE might be that you are 30 years old and never married with no children, or maybe 55 years old and divorced with a few adult children, or even 45 years old and still waiting on your first marriage.  You might be single adult that is still holding on to your virginity or maybe you’ve been around the block a few times.  Maybe you grew up in the church all your life or maybe you just gave your life to the Lord recently.  Whatever your backdrop, the truth of the matter is…most singles have some concerns, issues & challenges with being single.  There has been such a negative connotation placed on the concept of being a single adult.  Most single adults want to “hurry up” and change their marital status.  Or worse yet, they will end up putting their spiritual walk in jeopardy and relationship with the Lord on the backburner, while they enjoy the “benefits” of a romantic relationship that has not been ordained for them by God.

Singles Ministry & the Church

Churches across the nation are filled with singles adults.  Singles can make up as much as 40-60% of the congregations across America.   With this number being so high, it is amazing that some pastors still do not feel the need to have an established singles ministry to address the needs for their single population.  In many churches, a singles ministry is either non-existent or small and “held on by a string” due to lack of support and promotion.  In contrast, other ministries like women’s, children’s, and outreach (for example) receive church budgeted funds, are well supported by the pastor and leadership team and are marketed and promoted as viable church functions.  

What is Single & Souled Out Singles Ministry?

Single & Souled Out (aka SASO), a non-gender-based North Carolina singles ministry focused on the three main pillars called the ABC’s of Singleness.   (A) Singles should Aspire to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus as your Lord. (B) Singles should Become all that God created them to become while in the single season.  (C) Singles  should  Connect with others of the same and opposite sex to develop healthy relationships.   SASO’s mission is to reach these goals by providing teaching events to address the spiritual needs and social events to address the needs single adult.

Why join the SASO family?

Sometimes in this walk, singles feel lonely, discouraged and frustrated.  But you are not by yourself!  SASO is more than just a Facebook page with a private singles group.  While those aspects do exist, what is more impactful about SASO is its live events.  Being a part of the SASO family enables you to see that other singles have the same concerns, issues and struggles as you.  But most importantly, you are given the tools in the teaching events to overcome and attain the victory over those struggles and issues through the dynamic teaching of founder, Jennifer Wendy Brown.  The social events provide you with the opportunity to meet great people from all over the Triangle area of North Carolina.  To join our family, simply send an email to  and ask to join the mailing list.  Additionally, follow us on

Who is Jennifer Wendy Brown?

Jennifer W. Brown is a mother of three amazing children and has been a single mom for ten years.  After two failed marriages, Jennifer discovered a love for herself and for Christ that is infectious and persuasive!  As a licensed minister of the gospel, she has been honored to provide mentorship and guidance to many women because of her unique ability to communicate the message of God’s love.  Her passion to encourage single Christian adults and her powerful testimony is the fuel that birthed her ministry, Single and Souled Out in 2017.  To book Minister Jennifer for your next ministry conference, event or service send your inquiry to


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