Saturday, March 10, 2018

5 Toxins Hiding in Your Water

While essential for life, your water could be silently destroying your health, one sip at a time. Between industrial dumping in waterways, pesticide runoff, prescription drug residues, and heavy metals, water is more contaminated than ever.

These toxins in water pose a serious long-term risk to your health. So it’s essential to learn what chemicals are lurking in water so you can stay hydrated without shortening your lifespan.

Here are 5 of the worst types of toxins hiding in water supplies today

1. Lead

Lead-contaminated water isn’t just a thing of the past. It’s a very real problem today in cities and towns across the country.

The infrastructure that carries our drinking water is old, and old pipes were made from lead. These pipes can corrode, releasing up to ten times the allowable amount of lead into drinking water.

Lead is toxic to nearly every organ in the body and is particularly damaging to children. Exposure to lead can cause developmental issues, stunted growth, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and even brain damage.

Studies have even suggested that lead is linked to autism, prostate cancer, and reproductive issues (for men and women).


2. Pesticides, Herbicides & Insecticides

When agricultural farms spray their crops, or companies spray insecticides to combat insect-borne diseases, these chemicals don’t just degrade into harmless particles. Instead, these chemicals infiltrate the water supply and remain there for an alarming amount of time.

DDT, for example, was an insecticide widely used in the United States until it was banned in 1972 due to its negative environmental impact. Some countries, however, still use DDT to this day and it’s a big cause for concern.

DDT lasts for decades in the soil where it can continuously leech into the water supply. It can also travel the atmosphere to contaminate the water supply of regions thousands of miles away.

Among other things, DDT can cause reproductive and liver damage, and it is identified as a probable cancer-causing substance.

Other harmful chemicals used in agriculture such as dacthal, HCB, and glyphosate, can be found in our drinking water as well.

Genetically modified corn and soy are typically heavily sprayed with glyphosate. Recent animal studies showed that chronic low levels of glyphosate caused fatty liver disease. For more information about toxins hiding in your water go to


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